Burst of sun rays.
Sunset and yachts.
Rainbow and Nevis Peak.
Positive Communication, Ruth Lindeck Forman, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication
Approaching Robben Island by ferry.
Gripping Nelson Mandela's cell on hallowed ground.
Learn Today Earn Tomorrow.
Mascarade dancers by the beach celebrating Nevisian culture.
Positive Communication, Ruth Lindeck Forman, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication
Bananakeet enjoying rain water in the gutter.
Nevis Peak from back verandah.
Going to pick fruit in the orchard.
Gecko suns itself.
Gecko getting comfy.
Gecko senses my energy and brightens.
Colorful sunset.
Sunrise, crescent moon, and Saturn.
Full moon.
Pelicans at sunset.
Returning home by ferry to historical bayfront of capital Charlestown, Nevis.
Plaque in Nevis in honor of Alexander Hamilton.
Hummingbird feeding.
Perritata on soursop tree calling to me.
Great blue heron walking by our home.
Bougainvalia reaching for light.
Pansies in springtime.
Cloud reaching beyond.
Sunset reflection and ferry.
Burst of light from heaven sunset.
The Jewish Cemetery sign in 2018.
Jewish child's tombstone inscribed to Portuguese with stones from visitors to remember the departed.
Egrets waiting to kiss.
Baby doves in rafters above verandah.
Paradise Beach to ourselves.
Happy on my stretch band.
Autumn mums in vase from Margaret Hughes.

As long as www.positivecommunication.com is live, these photos will be displayed in color for your pleasure.

Photos taken by Ruth Forman.