Positive Communication, Ruth Lindeck Forman, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication
Positive Communication, Ruth Lindeck Forman, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication


Mrs. Ruth Forman can easily be a household name for many and she engenders genuine love, passion, empathy and humanitarian wisdom. She sees individuals for who they are and look away beyond their perceived flaws and shortcomings. Her selfless nature has accorded her much respect in Nevis. Her interactions inspire the youngest to the eldest, hence her many experiences of Nevis are also by nature enriching and riveting. Ruth’s commitment to humanity knows no boundary, colour, creed or race so she easily wins the affection of many. Her real and easy-going personality renders her a lovable, memorable and amicable individual. Her love for family is demonstrated by her unwavering affection for her husband and their offspring. Ruth is unique and her positive attributes surpass the average individual. Ruth is inspiring, resourceful, witty, generous, genuine, realistic and practical. We are truly happy to have met Ruth and feel blessed to call her a friend.

Continue to be a blessing and an inspiration as the torch you lit in Nevis, many years ago, is still aglow.

Blessings! May God’s grace and favour continue to be yours.

Retired Headmaster Edson Elliot
Charlestown Secondary School
Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies


Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is a compelling and uplifting piece for now and the ages. The hand-dome offers profound insights to not only understand how we each respond to life, but it is especially beneficial to understanding and appreciating individuals from diverse backgrounds.

This book is a comprehensive and enlightening resource for academic leaders and educators who value diversity and inclusive approaches to connecting with and engaging learners. It is written in such eloquent and powerful prose. Thank you for sharing your voice and wisdom with the world.

Sylvia A. Alva, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

As a physician, I deal with different people every day, and I need to make authentic connections with all types of people. Your book changed my life. The hand-dome showed me that all people think differently, and understanding that is the first step to any authentic connection.

Aamer Jamali, MD, FACC, FSCAI

Almost a decade ago, this bright light in Ruth Lindeck Forman walked into my office looking for a new primary care physician. I have enjoyed taking care of Ruth as I learn something new about her, myself, or the world every time she comes in. That is what you will experience when you read her book Soul to Soul Connection and Communication.Through her eloquent narrative, Ruth skillfully navigates the complexities of communication, diversity, and intercultural relationships. I highly recommend reading Ruth’s new book. You can pick up Soul to Soul Connection and Communication and open it to any chapter and learn something new and inspiring every time you read it. You will certainly learn something about yourself, as I have.

Marc C. Lavin, MD, FACP

At once, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is a compilation of several, unique self-help techniques and essays on how to create clear-cut communication. Each chapter can be read as a short story. Ruth Forman covers vast and complicated topics such as social injustice in a fresh and personal manner. In this turbulent moment in history, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication reveals that it is more important than ever to maintain hope and step into the good that exists. It instructs each of us how to unleash it by first working on ourselves and the words we choose to communicate. We are gently guided toward understanding what it means to be source connected, and how that concept alone can be a simple tool to be used toward creating a sustainable, spiritual life.

Becoming aware of our filters, our personal lenses may provide a solution toward deeper connection and eliminating hatred. Our individual situation and environment don’t absolve our responsibility toward becoming better human beings. The author tells us that we have choices about how we decide to consciously engage others while we hold loving space for ourselves. It is a process, but Soul to Soul explains a way through the author’s message. The book serves as a practical resource to be read carefully, savoring the words, and sharing them with others out loud for their consideration. It shows us how we are all connected.

Aydin Bengisu, L.Ac., Diplomate O.M.
Acupuncturist and Medical Herbalist

Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is inspirational and motivational as it provides exceptional insight to issues, such as personal development and racism, all affecting society in the modern age. The recollection of the author’s personal experiences as well as detailed historic events elevate the relationship of the narrative writing to the reader. I feel spiritually enlightened with a newer perspective of connecting our current events to the importance of our actions and words. This book is a must-read for anyone who is looking to implement personal and spiritual growth, and contribute to positive change in both their social and private life. Love, growth, communication, and positive change is key in creating a united and strong community of self-aware individuals!

Yasmine Sidhu
Student of Religious Studies, B.A. Business Management, B.S.

Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is a wonderful book and a never-ending source of wisdom and inspiration written by a talented storyteller with an infinite heart.

Linda Reid
Physician and co-author of the award-winning Sammy Greene Thriller Series

I was awed by the scope and clarity of your current book Soul to Soul Connection and Communication. It’s a book that I keep on my side table in our family room so I can refer to it at random whenever I seek inspiration.

Blenda J. Wilson
Retired Higher Education Leader

Ruth Lindeck Forman is a force. Her prime directive is teaching humans to effectively communicate in the name of a better world. She is the person who can make a stranger a friend in a grocery aisle and change their life for the better as a result of their first conversation. Her insight is a gift to humanity. Professional training has focused and polished her lifetime of observation into Soul to Soul Connection and Communication. It is a must read.

Colleen Rosenthal
Colleen Rosenthal Photography

In 2018, I was standing in line behind Ruth to use the restroom at The Soraya, The Performing Arts Center while attending the Soweto Gospel Choir event at California State University, Northridge. Ruth felt my energy and turned around and introduced herself. I discovered that she is a tireless proponent for Civil Rights and her message aligns with my beliefs to have the right to live my dreams. Her ideals uplifted my spirit when I thought it could no longer be uplifted, and gave me the courage to continue when I felt as if my life would never get better.

Nedra Miller
End of Life Doula

Having chosen a lifelong career in education and teacher preparation, I have always admired Ruth Forman’s dedication to offering personal insights that can serve to transform lives. Her focus on the unique dual qualities of self-determination and interdependence undergird all of her work—especially as captured in Soul to Soul Connection and Communication. The chapter entitled “Personal Lenses” is among my favorite selections from the book, linking personal wellbeing to the choices one makes in identifying negative perspectives and committing to removing these ways of interacting with others and the world.

Michael E. Spagna, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ruth Forman’s book is right on in highlighting the issues the United States continues to grapple with: prejudice, racism, and injustice toward people from minority cultures. Her book stuns, awakens, and offers uplifting insights and tools that can help us to work together to resolve the issues at hand and promote justice for all.

Eugene Crayton, Retired Police Officer
Los Angeles Police Department

This brilliant piece of work by Ruth Forman, once understood and applied, will aid in creating a harmonious work environment that would produce not only excellent work, but also content people and by extension uplift our society.

Desery Ottley Tyson
Assistant Human Resources Director

My life actually began at age eight while living in an iron lung after contracting one of the last pandemics of the polio era. I have lived my life in a wheelchair but have learned to travel and use my mind and imagination to read the great books and ideas of this whole diverse planet. I then traveled into medicine where I worked fighting the great Pandemics like HIV and COVID-19 around the world. While doing this, I have always been involved in civil rights at multiple levels.

Ruth Forman’s book is a unique exercise in understanding and improving the inner self to live better with our outer world of diverse human beings. She advocates true communication with each other after recognizing and deleting the negative filters we inherited socially that often inhibits us from the simplicity of the Golden Rule of caring for and helping each other. As a physician who has fought against man’s most modern plagues, I have found that we may not always cure or even treat an illness, but we can always at least comfort and care and strive to improve. That is the marvelous part of the many lessons taught through source-connection and through the growing self-awareness. Ruth Forman’s teachings can lead to better communications for each of us, with each other, and the world we were given to share. Please read her book slowly and thoughtfully, then read it again. We desperately need the ideas and remedies described so well and offers to a world that needs it so much.

Jeffrey E. Galpin, MD
Infectious Disease Specialist, Clinical Immunologist, and Internal Medicine 
Providence St. Joseph Specialty Medical Group & CMO/Founder of EntellAM LLC

Ruth Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is a feel-good book. Every time I pick it up, I amengulfed, as I reset to a re-grounded happy place and Zen space. This healthy, positive state is essential in dealing with toxic family interactions, as I am dealing with a cancer that is controllable, but not curable.

Francine Golden
Life Friend

This book benefits all showing us how we view the world and the people who we connect with. Ruth shows us through examples, exercises, and stories how to come from our true self, be kind, and listen deeply. We also become aware of negative filters and perspectives that influence our communication. These facets help create a better world. Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is an ageless reference book to help us in our relationships with ourselves, loved ones, co-workers, friends, and strangers.

Leslie Campbell
Artist, Art Teacher, and Kundalini Instructor

Our family is grateful for Ruth and her amazing book, Soul to Soul Connection and Communication. My wife, children, and I are immigrants. Even though English is our second language, Ruth’s words touch our hearts and expand our minds. To receive the most benefit from the book, a friend comes over at least weekly to translate from English to Farsi to help us better comprehend the pertinent issues and have more meaningful family discussions.

Farham and Farideh Janesar
Scholarly Tailor and Scholarly Chef

Your kind words of affirmation have fueled my passion for fiercely supporting transgender individuals. You are, and continue to be, a truly inspirational storyteller.

Joseph Cayanan, M.S.
Speech and Language Pathologist

Ruth Forman is a Spiritual Billionaire. She is an amazing force and a terrific vessel to find your path to a spiritual life! Highly recommended her book!

Walter Cox
Private Chauffeur to VIP Clients in Los Angeles

Thank you for encouraging other women to go for their dreams. Your book allows me to crawl up and wrap myself in it. Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is powerful, reflective, life-changing. What a gem! Its wisdom is beyond pertinent in today’s world, and it will continue to impact generations to come.Forman so eloquently reminds us to breathe in positivity, embrace diversity, and consciously choose love, each and every day. Simultaneously, you’ll find yourself using its communication strategies in your home, at school, in business transactions in everyday life. Forman shares her heart and a lifetime of experiences.That alone, is a gift for anyone.

Ashley R. Jackson
Director of Admission, Los Angeles Private School

Ruth’s labor of love is a book for the ages! A compelling and heartfelt dialogue is created for the reader in a way that truly reaches the spirit. The lenses, in particular, offer much wisdom for interpreting our external and internal worlds. It is a marvel to have such pertinent information readily at our fingertips in a world desperately longing for genuine connection.

Haley Isman
Substance Abuse Counselor

Soul to Soul Connection and Communication is a perfect “recipe” for the art of successful human communication in a world of unique, diverse, and cultural systems. Ruth guides you in search of redefiningthe manner in which you interact on a personal, social, and spiritual level! Personal experience, self-examination tools, humor, research, faith, inspiration, creativity, and a tablespoon or two of good humor will keep you returning to this book just as you would to an old family recipe.

As a swimmer on Team USA’s World Transplant Games expeditions for more than sixteen years, interacting with teammates from more than fifty countries; serving as an early childhood special educator; and teaching English to children in Asia, I fully comprehend the relevance of embracing diversity. This is significant when communicating with a myriad of personalities, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. These along with Ruth’s zest for life, a sense of belonging, and quest to promote liberty and peace in self, home, social, and spiritual environments is also beautifully depicted within these pages.

Carol Brown Fitzsimons, M.Ed.VIP KID English Teacher
Early Childhood Education Specialist Team, Ohio/USA Transplant Swimmer

“Namaste” is an ancient Sanskrit salutation that means “the divine in me greets the divine in you.” Ruth describes this state of encounter from the consciousness of our Divine nature as “source-connection” with self and others. This connection affects our everyday transactions and conscious behavior, affecting more peace, joy, and love. Equally important, she shows how to enter into this source-connected state through simple, easy, conscious practices. This creates a platform for authentic, genuine connections.

Elizabeth Wu
Retired Regional Coordinator, Clinician-Patient Communication Program 
Kaiser Permanente, Southern California

A wonderful book on common sense for living a full and happy life and leading a successful business.

George Simpson
Chairman, NAI Ohio Equities

Your book is such a valuable resource and an invaluable tool for people of all ages. I am an 82-year-old senior, and I see segments of the book that I would love to share with my teenage grandchildren, my siblings, and my friends. It will be a gift to anyone who takes the time to read it.

Carolyn Anderson
Retired Teacher

Ruth Forman’s book is like artwork because it is curious, fascinating and enjoyable. Its happiness and feeling allow you to read it with a sense of knowledge and wisdom.

Zooey Richmond, age 12

A twenty-five year labor of love for all ages and stages of life.

Lee Forman
Your Loving Husband

Praise for Ruth’s Previous Book

This book has the most honest, down-to-earth information on communication that I have read. It transcends all barriers and encouraged me to walk the talk. This book is a must for everyone!

Gail Henderson-Peter, R.N.
Director, Medical Group Training
Leading Health Maintenance Organization


This enlightening book is an outstanding training and teaching guide and resource. As a mentor teacher for the Los Angeles County Office of Education, I use this book for role playing and group work activities with teachers, principals and administrators. They have responded with such enthusiasm that they are adopting it in their language arts, effective education and multicultural curriculums. It is also a useful tool for conflict resolution especially for at-risk and gang prevention/intervention strategies.

Cedric Anderson
California Teacher of the Year 1996


From a personal and humanistic viewpoint, I loved your book! The insights it offers are easy to grasp and use to achieve the inclusion for all people into our society. I highly recommend this book to everyone who believes in a just democracy.

Blenda J. Wilson
Higher Education Leader


Medical education has many deficiencies. This book is an excellent remedy for one of them, our inability to communicate and educate ourselves and our patients.

Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.
Author, Love, Medicine & Miracles


Like the wave’s return to the ocean, Ruth Forman’s Communication Is Connection shows us that authentic communication takes place when there is connection to one’s source and when there is no division between one’s thoughts, one’s words and one’s actions. This is an excellent book.

Rabbi Stan Levy
B’nai Horin – Children of Freedom


As a medical center Chief of Audiology and Speech Pathology Service for 26 years, I am keenly aware of the influence that a positive communication environment has on both personal and professional success. All of us, regardless of our cultural backgrounds, can benefit from guidance in enhancing our interactions with others. That is why I find your book so compelling and helpful. Your fine book is technically accurate, spiritually uplifting and very readable. Successful communication always springs from your own source—your soul. To the extent the individual can enhance and maintain their “source-connection,” life on this planet will become more worthwhile and fulfilling. Communication is the essence of humanness and some thoughtful contemplation on how to make it better is welcome.

Wayne R. Hanson, Ph.D.
Chief of Audiology and Speech Pathology Services
Department of Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center


As Resort Manager for the Five Diamond Four Seasons Resort Nevis, West Indies, I often referenced Ruth’s book for its cross-cultural content. In fact, I found it to be so helpful, it is now used by many of the local managers and expatriate managers as they strive to improve their cross-cultural skills.

Mark Tamis
Executive Assistant Manager
Four Seasons Hotel Newport Beach


The message in your book is important, timely and powerful. Your insights and reflections about why communication can be ineffective are direct and eye-opening. You capably translate the complex mechanics of communication into a language and skill form that anyone who is seriously interested in positive communication can learn and apply in their daily interactions . . . . The inclusion of a spiritual level in this process, spiritual in the most positive and inclusive sense, is evidence that you speak not just from the mind, but from the heart as well, and therein lies the key to the work-balance. History has shown us time and again that conflict, unresolved, often ends in violence, which is no resolution. Your book provides a powerful tool toward rectifying the breakdown of communication, and I hardily recommend this book to those in search of solutions on a personal and global level.

Michelle Kendall
Community Relations Manager
National Book Store


If I possessed one book, Communication Is Connection would be my choice as a guide for an enriched existence.

Kevin James
Artist – Music Teacher


This book is chock full of nuggets which are food for our minds and souls. It is a book that I go back to often to recharge my batteries when they need recharging, and it helps me connect myself and my students to the “CREATIVE MAGIC” within each and every one of us. The text has been carefully crafted and purposefully designed for the multicultural reader. It is truly on the “CUTTING EDGE” for human-kind’s march into and for the new millennium.

Richard F. McCormick
Special Education Teacher


Communication Is Connection is an insightful digest of principles and information necessary to people who desire to excel at communicating. I find it fascinating that my formal legal education . . . never focused on your important concepts. Thus I found your material quite relevant for the legal profession.

James R. Hickey
Attorney at Law


In this changing environment with new partnerships being formed, personal, traditional communication methods are challenged. Transformations in communication style become necessary to being an effective leader. This book helps me critically analyze my traditional methods and develop a strategy for change to improve communication.

Susan Acquisto, M.S., R.N.
Partner, Professional Health Services


Your book helps me rediscover myself and provides me with valuable tools to be a more effective communicator.

David Cohan, MBA
Senior Reimbursement Consultant